Thursday, July 21, 2005

its in the way you move

( picture of Gene Kelly)

I gave you my number over the internet. then my address. we made a date.

You entered the room to pick me up. I was shocked at your height. I greeted you. I noticed that your face was scarred. you had a space between your front teeth. 'He's okay... ' I thought to myself.

We went dancing. ballroom, salsa, and swing. We'd just made a connection. We both considered ourselves disco roller-skaters (Theres only a handful of us disco skaters in this state, this nation, or this world for that matter). A connection.

We went inside. Apparently it was "Old People dance night." This didn't stop us. The live band was full of energy. Music and rhythm seeped into the elderly and wrinkled skin and made their feeble bodies move in such a way as to make one think they'd just fallen in love.

While taking it all in, my eyes fell upon you. You were across the room. My heart sped up and my breath caught in my throat.

You danced amongst them. Alone- It was in the way you moved. Confident. Owning the attention. Knowing your effect. smiling effortlessly. you were energy. 6'5", thin, broad shouldered. you towered the room. Your face defined. Thick brows and green eyes. Chiseled, strong features. Curly, thick dark unruly hair that swung into your eyes and onto your neck. I realized it then. I'd never seen anything or anyone quite like you.

Chills ran up my spine...he's gorgeous...

The powerful Latin music beat through the room with penetrating rhythm. Your playful and hungry eyes looked me over as my body moved toward yours. You grabbed me and pinned me hard and tight against your body so that I could feel all of you. Every move you made.

Everyone watched us as we moved. Music pumped our world full of energy. Time stopped for us. It always has. We were together- only we existed.

power. grace. you moved and anything was possible. Your eyes never left mine. Your face, tight in concentration, would now and then relax. you'd smile. bashfully and playfully- remembering that we were still strangers.

Large powerful steps took me around the floor with you. I was light in your arms. Your eyes devouring me. pushing, pulling, twirling, dipping...

We left the dance full of passion and excitement for each other. We talked excitedly as we relaxed at Dennys. Intelligent. Ambitious. You were confident, yet humble. Devoid of reservation, inhibition, or guile. Different. You were different.

We were almost to my house. Two more streets. You slowed the car. It barely moved down the dark road. You opened the sun roof, turned on some classical music, and looked over at me. Your eyes sparkled with excitement and warmth. You stopped the car at the speed bump on the 4675 south. Turning the music up, you opened your door, and stepped out. You walked around the car, took my hand, and pulled me out.

We danced there in the darkness. Our bodies swaying slowly against each other. We linger there. You dipped me and held me close to you. This would eventually become our ritual. Our way of ending our nights together.

Before dropping me off, you told me that you wanted to wrap me up and put me in your pocket for safe keeping. You wanted to see me the next night and the night after that. I was frightened by your confidence and declined both offers. But i accepted the third. and many more after that.


Blogger Adams Avenue said...

wow, what romance. A romance only one could refuse. Very well written Emily. Its the memories that make everything all worth while. I'm glad you have memories like this to take with you on your journey.

This story makes you want to fall in love all over again. . . .

7:06 AM  
Blogger Hermes said...

Why would you reluctantly decline BOTH offers? He sounds like a dream... perfect.

8:23 AM  
Blogger Sealegs said...

He is a dream. But,

1. his first offer was to go skating with him (he had already invited another girl, but wanted me to go so badly that he didn't care)

2. the second offer was to sunday dinner. and i was i little frightened. plus, i was still getting over my x. i was taken by him, but i never jump into anything. especially after being in tonz of relationships. i'm a bit skeptical i guess.

3. he asked me out again... and i accepted whole heartedly!!

10:39 AM  
Blogger Adams Avenue said...

Em - did you talk to him at all this week? Are things really over over between you two?

10:58 AM  
Blogger Sealegs said...

yes. its officially over. which is sad. but thats life. writing about my memories makes me excited to meet the next guy...

11:02 AM  
Blogger Adams Avenue said...

I'm glad you're taking it well. Too bad I never got to know him. He could have been my "man on the side" LOL J/K

I have something I need to tell you by the way . . . .

11:26 AM  
Blogger Sealegs said...

ohhh... this could mean many things. is it good or bad? how exciting! something to tell me... :)

11:39 AM  
Blogger Adams Avenue said...

Well . . . lets just say I had no idea Forest Loved me so much :)

11:53 AM  
Blogger Sealegs said...

oh my!! you are so flippin funny! i can't believe this. here you are pissing and moaning about how he doesn't appreciate..

well, thats awesome! so... what? did he ask you to marry him or something crazy like that?

11:58 AM  
Blogger Adams Avenue said...

LOL ME? pissing and moaning?? Please. . . like I EVER do that :)

He didn't ask me to marry him or anything, but he almost cried last night . . . because he loved me so much.


12:17 PM  
Blogger Sealegs said...

how adorable! well he is a LUCKY man and i'm happy that he knows it!!!!!!

12:51 PM  
Blogger Sealegs said...

mmm.. someone just made popcorn. smells good!

12:51 PM  
Blogger Adams Avenue said...

Yeah he's a goofball. I love him. He didn't sob cry, but a tear ran down his cheek. It was so sweet. I was crying too :) But that's only because I'm a hopeless romantic and its in my nature to cry!

12:54 PM  
Blogger Adams Avenue said...

Emily! So you're going out to dinner with Rob tonight :) Very hot.

9:47 AM  
Blogger Adams Avenue said...

Em- if you want to visit Eric's blog go to

11:39 AM  
Blogger Sealegs said...

yeah... is that weird? i'm leaving and all. so... i don't know. i didn't really know what to say when he asked... hmm... ;)

2:15 PM  
Blogger Adams Avenue said...

I don't think it hurts. Do you not really like him?

2:18 PM  

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