Wednesday, June 15, 2005

Dating me


Okay. Dating in DC is much more fun than dating in salt lake.
1. There is an endless avenue of frolly-gookies to persue... endless.
2. Freedom from any parental hounding
3. Repeat # 2
4. Repeat # 3

me + amazing/beautiful boy = CONFUSION! I don't know what to do. I don't want to loose him. He is at the top of my "most sexy guy to ever live" ladder. I get freaked out and feign the 'run away.' I put on my automatic 'play hard to get' signal. This confuses him all the more. Now I'm "hot & cold." This makes him want to freak out himself. Which confuses me all the more and results in a perpetual cycle usually results in an incredibly passionate/frustrating dating game lasting for approximately 1 year or until it is no longer tolerable.

This guy doesn't have much leverage at all. AT ALL!!! I'm way overly sensitive to him. I care too much about how he is treating me. Any slight mistakes on his part lead me to thinking he isn't into me. I'm very quick to break it off and very afraid to fight for him. I don't want to get hurt and, C'mon, I don't deserve him anyway... why doesn't he just leave me alone and go after a super model or something?!!
I am usually in love with the guy at the top of what i've designated to be my 'sexy ladder.'

me + okay dude = slight boredom. If he is very persistent I'll end up dating him quite a bit because I enjoy free dinner and friendly conversation. You know, I enjoy attention. And he is interesting... enough. I will be relatively bored with him, but I will probably end up dating him quite a bit- especially if I think he's quite interesting or if I want to teach him something. He has great potential to climb my 'sexiness' ladder. I general stick with him until i find a more exciting mate.

I give a significant amount of leverage to this guy... I don't really care either way. Unless he is hightly 'needed,' he can come and go as he pleases... just as long as he understands that i'm not obligated to him in any way.

me + annoying guy = I'm annoyed and bored. In order to continue seeing me he must have these traits:
- attractive
- intelligent
- buy me food and take me to interesting places

if he meets these requirement, chances are I'll seriously work at getting over his annoyingness. Weird thing is that he also has great potential to climb my 'sexy ladder.' However, he will never be at the top...

I give a great deal of leverage to this guy because I simply don't care. He never enters my mind.. I don't think about him or dream about him.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

The sex ladder. Ooh, that must be quite an exciting thing to climb!

If you were to meet a guy, who, say, was The Pirate King (And believe me, it is a wonderful thing, to be the Pirate King! ('You'll be hung!' 'Oh, believe me, I am!')) where would he fit on the sexiness ladder?

Askin for a friend.

Oh, and it is interesting you live in DC. That is one of the 3-4 places that I am seriously considering moving to in the next few years.

12:10 PM  

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