Tuesday, June 28, 2005


I have two best girl friends. We grew up in the suburbs of Holladay. Skinny little maniacs. Thats what we were. We've been friends since first grade. The three of us. It's always been the three of us.

We were completely imaginative little girls. Full of life and energy... always. And its been fun to see have we grown up, what we've gone through, and where we are going.

Susie (Zeus): Skinniest girl you'll ever meet. Tall and skinny as a rail. You think she is skinny now?? You should have seen her as a little girl! Skin and bone, legs up to her neck. Love it. Susie was dorky little gangly thing with braces and glasses and funky bangs. Of course I didn't notice at the time. She was always very cute to me. She was susie.

Susie has always been studious and ambitious. Slways doing something, learning something, going somewhere. Trendy in her own way. But not materialistic.

It was fun to see susie change in high school. She grew breasts. Got rid of the bangs, the braces, and glasses. She had long blond hair down to her tiny tiny waist. She was/is gorgeous. It was very fun to see such a change.

She modeled and did runway during high school and college. She graduated in English and Political Science. She currently is working in DC (which is where I am right now). She's a hard core rock climber! And she loves everything hippy-ish/ granola-ish. She loves anything "intellectual." She likes being sexy ( I know this because she gives me tips on my underwear choices). She usually gets way into whatever the guy she is dating is into. Which is very cute. I predict that she will end up marrying Jason Devilliers (?) , continue rock climbing, working, and have 2 babies. ;)

My favorite thing about susie is how skinny she is and how much she can eat. Its absolutely remarkable. It really is. She's very funny about it because she knows that most people think she's anorexic- only if you don't know her. So she totally packs it in when people are around. seriously... this girl is an eating machine!

Liz (Pissy or Noel): Liz has great big blue eyes, full lips, beautiful skin, and an overall greek look to her. She has always has long, dark hair. Except for now. She cut it. But I've always known her as Liz with the beautiful long thick hair. She went through her dorky times also. She blossomed like the rest of us in high school. Suddenly she was this totally strikingly gorgeous girl. Guys have always been gaga bout' her.

My favorite thing about Liz is how incredibly passionate and dramatic she is. Its great. I remember in school when it was Liz's turn to give her report. I would get way excited. Liz doesn't give a report with words only. She gives an "interpretive dance-report." Seriously. Totally hilarious. This girl moves. She would literally dance around the front of the room as she gave her talk... it was SO much more entertaining than anyone elses. I appreciated it.

Like Susie, Liz is also into hippy/ intellectual stuff. But she is girly. And extraordinarily dramatic about everything. Cracks me up. She loves to hike and camp. Loves the mountains. She graduated in modern dance. Loves jewelry, little gadget ornamental stuff. She loves talking about how unjust and blood-thirsty this world is. She loves talking about her relationships. Naturally. Don't we all?

Liz decided that she liked girls better three years ago. So she has had relationships with girls for the past three years. Which was confusing to me at first. But now i'm used to it. She is actually bisexual, but she wants to pick a side. So, I don't know what will happen. She was totally diggin some guy that sold her a necklace yesterday. Which made me very happy. I want her back on my side. Come on! Guys are F-ing sexy! Well, I know one that is! She got her lip pierced a couple days ago. It looks sexy. I would never do it. But hey, she works for some ultra granola type coffee place in SLC, so she need not worry.

I predict that Liz will marry a man when she's like 30 or something and has gotten all her drama schemes out of her system. She likes men deep down. I know it. ;)

So basically my two best friends are hippies. No. Actually, they would like to be hippies. But are in actuality both very clean and relatively drug-free and intelligent city girls. I love them both very very much.

Monday, June 20, 2005

Disco Rollerskating

Hands shaking to put rollerskates on. Music devouring my body... rhyth overcomes me. I want to skate more than I've ever wanted anything right now. Disco Skating is my outlet. My freedom. It is another me... pure expression, exhilaration, excitement. I want to be the music. I feel it everywhere, within and around me... pulling and pushing my body with its rhythm.

Skating with Jared. Jared is amazing!!!!!!! wow. this kids got skills. He is incredibly strong, coordinated, he can take anything and do anything you can possibly imagine. He is my skating partner. We skated together for a couple years and took state championship. We are awesome together...

Ode to Jared:
He is handsome. He would never say anything bad about anyone ever. He is true to himself and others. He is dedicated and works very hard. He'll make an awesome father someday. He is and has been in love with me for a very very long time... such a sweetheart. He took me to prom.


Art is my passion. My mind. I love to create, question, and persue beauty, color, shape. Everything is my subject if observed with the right perspective.

fav artists:
salvador dali


I love to run. I used to be a good runner. I'll be doing a marathon in september. I WILL not pull a muscle this time. I'm determined.

running and why we like it:
-feeling energy coarse through the bod
-feeling the grace and effortlessness in it
-feeling my heart pumping
-feeling my muscles tightening- focusing on different muscle groups
-adrenaline rush
-feels so dang good

Thursday, June 16, 2005

The Art of Exercise

Its early. Like 5:00 in the morning. And we're driving to the gym. i just ate something.. who knows what, but i love to eat first thing when i wake up. I'm very excited to be going to the gym. I've been getting up like this for about 5 years now. My car is the victim of my confused hands.... hands that will never understand that my steering wheel is NOT a drum, but is in fact a car part.

i'm at the gym. ready to Go in and get ready to sweat. my mammoth headphones are on... lets go for it. Basically, one consciously decides that one will do whatever it takes to work one's body till it hurts... actually its a wonderful wonderful hurt. one such as i loves this. we crave it. So we don't really care what I look like. at least I don't. I'm sure I look like a sweaty freak.

i do this every day and i eat whatever i want. whatever.. whenever. its great. ;) cause' i loves food!!!

Wednesday, June 15, 2005

Dating me


Okay. Dating in DC is much more fun than dating in salt lake.
1. There is an endless avenue of frolly-gookies to persue... endless.
2. Freedom from any parental hounding
3. Repeat # 2
4. Repeat # 3

me + amazing/beautiful boy = CONFUSION! I don't know what to do. I don't want to loose him. He is at the top of my "most sexy guy to ever live" ladder. I get freaked out and feign the 'run away.' I put on my automatic 'play hard to get' signal. This confuses him all the more. Now I'm "hot & cold." This makes him want to freak out himself. Which confuses me all the more and results in a perpetual cycle usually results in an incredibly passionate/frustrating dating game lasting for approximately 1 year or until it is no longer tolerable.

This guy doesn't have much leverage at all. AT ALL!!! I'm way overly sensitive to him. I care too much about how he is treating me. Any slight mistakes on his part lead me to thinking he isn't into me. I'm very quick to break it off and very afraid to fight for him. I don't want to get hurt and, C'mon, I don't deserve him anyway... why doesn't he just leave me alone and go after a super model or something?!!
I am usually in love with the guy at the top of what i've designated to be my 'sexy ladder.'

me + okay dude = slight boredom. If he is very persistent I'll end up dating him quite a bit because I enjoy free dinner and friendly conversation. You know, I enjoy attention. And he is interesting... enough. I will be relatively bored with him, but I will probably end up dating him quite a bit- especially if I think he's quite interesting or if I want to teach him something. He has great potential to climb my 'sexiness' ladder. I general stick with him until i find a more exciting mate.

I give a significant amount of leverage to this guy... I don't really care either way. Unless he is hightly 'needed,' he can come and go as he pleases... just as long as he understands that i'm not obligated to him in any way.

me + annoying guy = I'm annoyed and bored. In order to continue seeing me he must have these traits:
- attractive
- intelligent
- buy me food and take me to interesting places

if he meets these requirement, chances are I'll seriously work at getting over his annoyingness. Weird thing is that he also has great potential to climb my 'sexy ladder.' However, he will never be at the top...

I give a great deal of leverage to this guy because I simply don't care. He never enters my mind.. I don't think about him or dream about him.