Monday, November 14, 2005


These are my babies. They are relatively knew. I used to have Carrera sports, but these are custom made Reidells. Most of my skating has been done on skates with brakes on the fronts However, in competing, there is too much foot work, so I've had to take them off. As you can see, I still use my toes to stop- which is bad for my skates- obviously. My partner, who is an incredibly amazing skater, uses the sides of his wheels.

Having the ankles free and using four wheels makes for a great deal more versatility in one's ability to move.

My partner is the true talent. I am just along for the ride. We do a lot of what you would see figure skaters doing. We are often asked if we are indeed professional ice skaters. Cool huh? He is quite strong and can lift me and spin and do all sorts of crazy stuff all at the same time. He can do back flips and whas been on t.v. commercials and parades and has been asked to do half time shows for basketball and what not.

I'm the luck one because I'm the one being lifted! And that's about all I have to do. I was a ballerina up until high school and have I've done all sorts of dancing (jazz, lyrical, ballroom, salsa, country). My part was being athletic, strong, graceful, and have a liftable weight.

To be the lifter you must have the gift of coordination and daring-ness. My partner is responsible to lift me and my skates- a lot of weight- while spinning and throwing me around- he will flip me from beneath his legs over his shoulders and be spinning and hitting every position all the while.

When I compete- which I haven't done in some time- I have a great number of people watching me. Honestly, to me, it is the GREATEST rush- it beats running marathons, skiing, climbing, dancing, and everything else. There is NOTHING like it. It's like the music starts and it seeps into my very soul, into my blood- it makes me giddy with happiness just thinking about it. It simply engages all faculties. It employs a great deal coordination, strength, SPEED, and grace.... And yes, many sports do this also; however, the differnce is that there is an abundance of music and people around one's self while employing all your faculties... It's just awesome. What more can I say?

If you want to know what its like- please TRY IT. But be prepared to be surprised not only by how fun it is, but by how much harder it is than it looks. Ask every guy I've ever taken on a disco skating date... They will testify.

And if you do try- do it DISCO style. Disco skating is the funnest. It is 158.9999 times more fun than skating to other types of music.


Blogger jonny said...

Brilliant! Oh yeah! Say it again!



Oh! Ok!!

And thank you!!!

Alas, my wreck of a body (maybe) and my complete lack of bottle (definitely) won't let me...

but I really want to after reading that...even with my left feet!

hmmm...I'm getting excited again
(no, not in that way - !)

11:40 AM  
Blogger Hermes said...

I'm reminded of my senior year in high school. That summer my friend Jason and I were OBSESSED with disco. We bought Saturday Night Fever and memorized, movement for movement, Travolta's solo routine to "You should be Dancing" in preparation for a dance we organized that was 70's themed.

He later went on to attend Art school in Chicago and on the side made some cash working as a street performer... dancing disco nonetheless.

11:52 PM  
Blogger Hermes said...

This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

11:52 PM  
Blogger Adams Avenue said...

I used to go to the "Roller Rabbit" when I was a kid and we lived in Hong Kong. The best part was at the end of the night when this guy dressed up like a huge bunny would come skate with us.

We all wanted to skate with the bunny. . . . until one time he fell on me.

12:30 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I always wondered how you can do the lift over the head thing. Not so much from the strength, but doing it and not dropping her...!

It sounds like a ton of fun, and I bet it does look much easier than it is.

1:37 PM  
Blogger Sealegs said...

jonny: I'm happy to see you so enthused! And the word brilliant- Thats practically my favorite word.

Hermes- Wow- Now I really like you... like, really really. ;) I'd never had expected that you were ever obsessed with disco. I was also obsessed with it my senior year- along with many other obsessions. You've made me proud son. no, seriously, disco is madness... love it.

colonialbabe: Huge bunny?? What the? I don't know if thats a good thing... scary. jk. Actually I'm all for it, in fact, i'll go scating this weekend in some sort of animal outfit.

mister underhill: oh... there have been many a dropping in my day. But my partner is amazingly good at getting beneath me so that I land on him or something of the sort. He's so great... cracks me up.

man, married the: I always love to see you- your pictures explain more than words could ever express. Dashing my love... simply dashing. And yes, I'm always extremely correct with numbers and percentages- when giving ratios (i.e. percentages), I think it is best to leave out the scale (or the denominator).

3:48 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...


it seems appropriate at this time.

4:03 PM  
Blogger jonny said...

take it, baby!

...the word, I mean!


(this is a no-smut zone!)

4:49 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

yeah, married's pics are way more entertaining than mine. Actually, I hate my pic, but I've been waiting for baster to get his turkey ass over here to take some nude...or I mean regular photos.

6:11 PM  
Blogger Sealegs said...

anony: burping is always appropriate and brilliant.

johnny: this is the brilliant smut zone; however- no fungus please. and ending sentences with baby when talking to me is also brilliant.

married man: if your nude body is rediculously good looking- go for it.

2:50 PM  
Blogger Rhodester said...

Well, you'll no doubt enjoy this bit of good news

10:06 AM  
Blogger Epiphany Grove said...

That sounds like so much fun haha.

I miss the good old says of having all my birthday parties at the roller rink. My lack of athletic grace was usually forgotten then, I wasn't too bad.

2:14 AM  
Blogger Epiphany Grove said...

oops. Days, not says. :-/ haha

2:15 AM  
Blogger Sealegs said...

married man: oh how i love mullets.

vexation: happy to be giving the vexed man some laughter and amusement.

rhodester: you look incredibly hot all of the sudden.

observantcynic: happy to hear you graced the rinks with rollerskates :)

10:57 PM  
Blogger Rhodester said...

I didn't before? :-(

2:41 AM  
Blogger Sealegs said...

you did before, but now...WOW! you sorta resemble batman.

2:00 PM  

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