Thursday, October 20, 2005

speaking of autumn

Speaking of autumn... I saw an autumn day today. Oh, it was glorious to behold my brothers and sisters! In fact I've beheld many an autumn day as of late.

The air that surrounds me has an incredible cogent freshness- same feeling I get when I'm stepping out of the shower. Tis so shocking that I, without fail, breath in deeply and utter (utter or shout) some illustrious word every single time I step out the door.

And contrary to popular belief, trees are, in fact, unequalled in every regard- unless compared to animal life. But they are the most beautiful of all plant life. It is quite wonderful that their leaves change to red, orange, and yellow, before surrendering to brown. I'm happy that they don't go from green to black. That would suck! But Mike would disagree- he would like it if all leaves were black all the time... black is his favorite color.

Leaves fall. And I'm very happy they don't weigh as much as Mike, or any other guy for that matter, or they would fall at a much faster rate- so its quite nice that leaves are light as feathers. Its nice that they are light, not only because they look like they are dancing their way to the ground, but because if they did weigh as much as Mike, they would damage ALL of our precious Stuff.

I'm lucky to have the ability to soak up the beauty of these days. I bought some autumn juice and used my syringe from work and I literally pump that stuff into my very life blood.


Blogger Rhodester said...

"Maam, the reason I pulled you over is because you were swerving a little during that post.. please step out of the blog.. very good.. now, look here, uh huh.. great.. now stand on one foot for me and count backward from ten.. hmmm.. okay, just one more thing.. who is the current President of the United States? Uh huh, okay.. Maam I'm afraid I must place you under arrest for drunken blogging.. yeah, it was the leaf thing that tipped me off.. place your hands on top of your computer monitor.. any sharp objects in your pockets?.. okay, this hand around to your back now, **click** and watch your head as you slide into the back seat here.. very good.."

6:41 PM  
Blogger Sealegs said...

that was well said...

4:44 PM  
Blogger Rhodester said...

"arrrgh, Matey"

9:45 AM  

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